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Mission 360 Development Assessments

elevate your fundraising with faith and stewardship

Mission 360 is a comprehensive assessment of stewardship and development programs, rooted in principles of Christian stewardship. GP Catholic Services is the leader in recognizing the need for a solid stewardship and development program, especially as Catholic organizations face uncertainty in light of recent allegations and scandal.

Mission 360 is designed to respond to this need, fully integrating mission, ministry, and fundraising. The assessment allows you to: evaluate and strengthen internal stewardship and development structures, staffing, and investment; set actionable strategy for fundraising growth; develop effective multicultural communications; and engage leaders, staff, donors, clergy, and volunteers in a meaningful and sustainable spirituality of stewardship.

analysis of current fundraising activities

Identify areas of growth and opportunity by assessing your current operations, including budget and resource allocations. Evaluate your database to reduce inefficiencies and gain actionable knowledge from your data.

engagement and stewardship at the heart of your efforts

Evaluate the effectiveness of stewardship education and uncover the messaging and resources needed to most effectively promote principles of Christian stewardship.

expert recommendations focused on your ministry

Optimize your development structure and staffing for maximum efficiency. Develop and implement clearly defined roles for foundations and boards.

What's behind the name?

At the core of every Catholic organization is a commitment to the essential and ultimate mission of the Church. Within a Stewardship and Development office, this means keeping that mission at the center of all fundraising operations and holistically evaluating whether each and every activity, effort, or program is strengthening the local Church.

additional core services

Major Gift Strategies

Identify major gift prospects and develop individualized engagement strategies centered on faith and your organization’s core mission

Annual Appeals

Create and implement an annual appeal program designed to build relationships and grow your major gift pipeline

Capital Campaigns

Transform your ministry through a capital campaign built on principles of the Catholic Church and its message

related resources

Unity in Diversity: One Size Does Not Fit All

Understanding How Catholics Give

Mythbusters: Stewardship Style!

GP Catholic Services, a division of Graham-Pelton, is a leading fundraising consulting firm serving the Catholic Church. We specialize in designing and implementing capital campaigns, major gift strategies, development assessments, and annual appeals for Catholic dioceses, parishes, schools, colleges and universities, religious orders, and seminaries.